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iOS 5 Untethered Jailbreak Demoed, Will Work on 5.0 and 5.0.1
DECEMBER 9, 2011 40Big news this morning for anyone waiting for the untethered iOS 5 jailbreak. Early this morning, pod2g tweeted out a link to a video that demoed an untethered jailbreak for iOS 5. Pod2g is a member of the Chrinic Dev Team, who have been working on the untethered jailbreak for quite some time. According to other tweets from pod2g and i0n1c, the vulnerability that it uses will indeed work on iOS 5.0.1, and pod2g will begin porting it soon. No news yet on whether the untether will support the iPhone 4S or iPad 2, but pod2g says that he will test them as soon as possible. While we still do t have an ETA for the jailbreak, this is definitely huge news. Check out the video demoing the jailbreak on an iPod Touch below:
Jailbreak application is specially for apple device that as iphone. It provide well security system. It work on all iphone models that easily and very fast.